The DataView supports exporting entity parameter data to Excel or a CSV (comma delimited) text file using its Data Export Wizard. Entity parameter scope can be defined along with the column ordering in the exported Excel Workbook file. Excel Worksheet formatting is also supported.
Getting Started
From the DataView tab of a PKS Configuration View, select the items to export in the ListView. An option in the Export Wizard allows you to export all items without having to select all items in the ListView.
In the Scope Option of the Wizard page select the scope of the items to export.
Choose the type of Export file to create in the Export options.
Only Export file formats *xlsx for Microsoft Office 2007+ are supported.
Click the file browse button to specify the file name to create and its location.
In the Wizard Parameter Selection page expand the Options expander.
Choose the Parameter Scope
Choose CM parameters to export only the parameters and their values visible in the DataView tab.
Choose All embedded parameters to export parameters found in embedded Function blocks.
Choose the Parameter Source
If All embedded parameters is chosen as the Parameter scope, then you must specify the parameters to export.
Click the Generate button to generate a list of all parameters found in all embedded Function blocks using the selected items in the DataView ListView as the scope of Control Modules and embedded Function blocks to process.
When the generation has completed, the Templates and Parameters lists will contain the parsed Templates and Parameters.
Click the Generate button to generate a list of Templates and Parameters from the selected Control Module items in your Data View.
If the Export scope from the Data View is for all items, then all Control Module items will be parsed to extract their embedded Function Block Template and Parameter items.
When a new list of Parameter items is generated all its parsed Templates and Parameter items are not enabled for export. You must enable the Template and Parameter items to use in your export by checking the "Enabled" Checkbox. When an item is enabled it will be visible in the enabled parameter items list.
You can choose to exclude certain Templates or Parameter items.
You can also move Parameter items to the front of the list such as identification type parameters { BlockName, ClassName, etc. }. By default the created Excel Worksheet will order the column items according to the order in this list.
To save this list of parameters for later recall, click the folder browse drop-list button to the right of the File Path TextBox and select the menu item Save As. Specify the File name and location to save the Template and Parameter list to.
Click the Save button to save to the specified file.
Set Parameter formatting and header styling options.
Expand the Parameter Formatting and Parameter and Header Styling expanders to view additional formatting options such as Font type, size and color.
Click the Wizard Next button to begin exporting the selected Parameter items to the specified Excel Workbook file.