Control Architect Help Documentation

Export Server Data

The InterCluster Gateway (ICG) view requires information from the EPKS Server in order to analyze and determine the Gateways and their types that a Server is configured for.  Data is required from the Registry and the Hosts file to successfully configure the ICG Peer analysis.  The Hosts file provides the configured IP addresses that provide the mapping between Nodes and Gateways for the Server.
Invoke the Registry editor from your PKS A Server using the Run Command text "RegEdit.exe".
The Registry data that is required is the Registry key HciComponents.  This can be found in the Registry hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Honeywell\MyTpsDomain\HciComponents or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Honeywell\MyTpsDomain\HciComponents depending on the PKS Release where the registry key WOW6432Node is applicable to 64 bit PKS Servers R410+
Location of the Hosts file can be in the file path below: