Control Architect Help Documentation
  • MongoDB Document Server

MongoDB Document Server

A server based document model is used by Control Architect for storage of project configuration documents such as PKS XML Configuration and HMIWeb Graphic files.  This is a non-relational database typically referred to as a Document database.  The database technology that was chosen is a commercial scalable product named MongoDB.  During installation a local instance of this Server technology is installed.  Users can choose to scale this to a Corporate Server or Cloud installation for an Enterprise model.  This product does not require any additional licensing unless you choose to scale to an Enterprise model hosted by Atlas.
The Mongo Server support authentication and it is strongly recommended that users create an admin account.  Administration accounts can be added to the Mongo Server database through the application File-Options menu.  Authentication accounts exist within the MongoDB physical database that resides in your file system.  If another physical database is created, you are required to create a new authentication account for the physical MongoDB Database.