Control Architect Help Documentation

PKS Control Graph



The Control Graph provides a visual rendering of Control Modules that contain parameter connection relationships that form a Control Strategy.  The Control Graph view analyzes selected Control Module entity connections to form a visual block rendering of Control Module entities with all their parameter connection relationships rendered as data flow connections.
As Control Strategy development becomes more granular using principles of object oriented development often cohesive functions are grouped within a Control Module such as I/O processing, logical functions, regulatory PID control, regulatory Override control, etc. that results in a Control Strategy comprised of multiple Control Modules.  Control System vendors typically provide a Control Strategy development view that supports the development of a single Control Module where parameter connection references are supported to provide data flow connections external to the Control Module.  The PKS Experion Control Builder application also supports hierarchical development where a single Control Module can act as a container to multiple Control Modules acting as embedded CM's providing a cohesive view of a Control Strategy.  As with any good control development there is a cost to doing it better or more correct that often is a hard sell in this economy and competition amongst 3rd party integrators.
The PKS Control Graph view provides a summary view of Control Modules that have connection relationships that form a Control Strategy.  It provides a high level overview of your control system applications allowing you to quickly visualize relationships and anomalies.
 Block Color Representation
Block colors are used to provide visual identification to the function of the block within the Control Graph.
This block color gradient is used to indicate a block that resides in a non-ACE CEE and its magenta border also indicates that it is the source of the connection relationship analysis.
This block color gradient is used to indicate a block that resides in an ACE CEE and its red border color also indicates that its CEE is not the same as the source of the Control Module that was used to display the Control Graph.
This block color gradient is used to indicate a block that is an I/O type or a Process graphic reference.
This block color gradient is used to indicate an SCM type Control Module and its red border color also indicates that its CEE is not the same as the source of the Control Module that was used to display the Control Graph.