Control Architect Help Documentation

Maintaining Multiple Databases

You can choose to maintain multiple MongoDB databases on your local or Network file system.  A configuration file exists that provides the file path to the MongoDB database files that the MongoDB Server will use when started.  By changing the paths located in this configuration file you can restart the MongoDB Server and use another physical database.
Control Architect maintains a list of Most Recently Used MongoDB Database paths that can be selected for changing the Database that is attached to the Mongo Server.  You can also browse for a folder path that contains a physical MongoDB Database and create a new MongoDB physical Database path in the Mongo Server Options.
Users may choose to maintain separate databases for customer isolation.  To start a new Database file you should create a new set of folder paths in your file system and change the configuration file to reflect these new paths.  The folder system for a new Database location should look like the following:
In the above folder path example it is not important to name the root folder path using "MongoData", but the subfolder paths "db" and "log" should be named as in this example.
When the MongoDB Server is started using the new File path locations, it will create and maintain the database files within these folder paths.
The file path locations shown in the configuration file above must be changed to point to valid file locations that exist in your file system.
When specifying path delimiter characters you must specify the double '\\' path delimiter character set.
The '#' character serves as the beginning of a comment that will not be read by the Mongo Server.
It is strongly recommended that your MongoDB databases be secured using authentication.  Under the "security" keyword the statement: "authorization: enabled" enables authentication in the Mongo Server when restarted.  If authentication is enabled, then the users of any MongoDB physical databases must create a new administration account using Control Architect Mongo Server-Options.  To disable authentication, you must insert the '#' comment character in front of the "authorization: enabled" statement and remove the '#' character prefixing the "authorization: disabled" statement.
When making changes to file locations in this file you must restart the MongoDB Server.  You can restart this from within Control Architect using the MongoDB Status image in the Status Bar or alternatively use the Services.msc management view in Windows to locate the Service and restart it.